Gerber Memorial Hospital
February 25, 2022
Tamarac re-certified as a nationally recognized medical fitness facility

May 9, 2021
Seventeen Michigan Hospitals Awarded for Excellence and Improvement in Maternity Care
NOVI, MICHIGAN, May 7, 2021 – In honor of Mother’s Day, The Economic Alliance for Michigan (EAM), a nonprofit group comprised of Michigan’s largest employers and unions, is awarding hospitals throughout Michigan that have demonstrated excellence and improvement in maternity care and delivery outcomes. Seventeen hospitals have earned an award for 2021, the highest number […]
September 16, 2020
Spectrum Health Gerber Memorial Moves COVID-19 Testing to Drive-thru Process
September 16, 2020
Tamarac reopens Monday with extensive safeguards to minimize COVID-19 spread
August 11, 2020