In The News
Below are links to where Spectrum Health has appeared in the media. To view each article, click on the headline.

From El Vocero December 11, 2020
Vaccines for COVID-19 will soon be distributed, but will everyone consider it?

From CBS News December 11, 2020
Hospitals, shipping companies prepare to distribute Pfizer vaccine as soon as it’s approved

From WOOD Radio December 11, 2020
Spectrum doctor: Ready to line up for COVID-19 vaccine

From Fox 17 December 10, 2020
Cupcakes designed by patients, sold to benefit Helen Devos Children’s Hospital

From WOOD-TV December 10, 2020
Spectrum nurse asks for support during holiday season

From Fox 17 December 10, 2020
Many in Black community question whether COVID-19 vaccine could be ‘another jinx’

From Fox 17 December 10, 2020
Black Impact Collaborative explains vaccine distrust among African Americans

From WOOD-TV December 10, 2020
Spectrum doctor: All signs point to ‘very safe’ COVID-19 vaccines

From MLive December 10, 2020
Coronavirus impact on Black community and Grand Rapids vaccine efforts highlight virtual forum

From Fox 17 December 10, 2020
Infectious Disease doctors explain FDA approval process ahead of meeting Thursday

From WZZM-13 December 9, 2020
Spectrum Health begins using advanced technology in diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy and brain tumors

From BYU Idaho Scroll December 9, 2020
How masks affected competitiveness in sports

From WZZM-13 December 9, 2020
Grand Rapids Chamber hosts townhall on COVID-19 vaccine

From WOOD-TV December 8, 2020
Charity auction benefiting DeVos Children’s Hospital

From Fox 17 December 8, 2020
Grant furthering clinical trials Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital

From The Detroit News December 8, 2020
Michigan data on COVID-19 outbreaks faces intense scrutiny as restaurants seek to reopen

From Michigan Radio December 8, 2020
With many hospitals still full, state reports a slight decrease in COVID-19 hospitalizations

From MLive December 8, 2020
New neuroimaging technology helps Spectrum Health treat epilepsy, brain tumors

From The Detroit News December 8, 2020
These Michigan health outlets prepare to receive first doses of COVID-19 vaccine

From Fox 17 December 7, 2020